The project

Professionals in the CCI lack adequate entrepreneurship skills
When launching a product or service, creative arts entrepreneurs are excessively concentrated on the functional features of their new idea and not so much on the business approach
CCIs also need people who have business competences, who can mobilise financing opportunities, who understand ICT.
It remains difficult for CCIs to find creative arts graduates with a mix of creative and entrepreneurship skills to set-up companies.
Lack of innovative entrepreneurship education for CCI graduates
Entrepreneurship training for students & alumni graduates in the Cultural and Creative Industries (CCI) sector is rarely if ever, provided during their time at university.
The traditional teaching methods are inefficient in the case of this professional group. This relates to the wide variety of artistic/creative entities and activities.
In fact, the European Parliament’s report on EU policy for cultural and creative industries (June 2016) recommends to the European Commission “the creation within HIE institutions of relevant joint programmes between arts and culture, business and technology for the development of work-learn trajectories”.
Innovative entrepreneurship education for CCI graduates
Teaching innovative and collaborative thinking competences to students well beyond traditional business skills:
- questioning, asking challenging questions
- seeking for new ideas
- experimenting new options to generate novel designs
- simulate the business behaviours at the university
- idea networking, working together
- collecting their entrepreneurship evidences providing innovative digital tools to present to the future entrepreneur
- strengthening public views of entrepreneurs’ contribution to EU’s welfare

Result 1: students dare to create own business & face financers
Understand the new SYSTEM DYNAMICS (SD) methodology and how to use it.
understand the nonlinear behaviour of a complex system over time using concept maps, associations maps, flows, feedback
Use SD models to simulate the behaviour of business topics.
Students and entrepreneurs of CC degrees can learn a curriculum consisting of 3 ECTS credits focused in PBL of entrepreneurial & e-business competences
Use the eportfolio collaborative platform to evidence the entrepreneurial & digital skills acquired and transfer them to the labour market helping graduates & alumni to connect with financers and the world of work.
Result 2: professors strengthen their professional development
SD models that simulate the behaviour of business topics will be developed by the HIE creative arts professors with the collaboration of MBA professors, a pan-European CCI investor network and commercial private local working groups.
A curriculum compliant with EntreComp designed specifically for the CCI with practical & useful OERs that educators can use in the classroom with a supportive guidance role.
These eLearning materials are delivered and assessed by professors of CCI degrees through a competency eportfolio.
Professional development of professors & HIEs institutions of CCI degrees by tackling entrepreneurship & digital competences gaps.
Result 3: CC faculties improve cooperation with world of work
SD models that simulate the behaviour of business topics will be developed by the HIE creative arts professors with the collaboration of MBA professors, a pan-European CCI investor network and commercial private local working groups.
A curriculum compliant with EntreComp designed specifically for the CCI with practical & useful OERs that educators can use in the classroom with a supportive guidance role.
These eLearning materials are delivered and assessed by professors of CCI degrees through a competency eportfolio.
Professional development of professors & HIEs institutions of CCI degrees by tackling entrepreneurship & digital competences gaps.
Deans, principals & policymakers will dispose of an innovative methodological guide / handbook to make creative arts degrees more permeable to entrepreneurial skills.
A pilot experience introduces innovative & collaborative thinking entrepreneurship in the creative arts faculties (100 students + 23 professors/trainers involved).
Promoting internationalisation among 4 universities through mutual recognition of a new ENTREPRENEURSHIP CURRICULUM corresponding to 3 ECTS credits.

Structure and results
Course about how to use SYSTEM DYNAMICS in business for students of CC degrees:
EUC elaborates a course consisting of SD teaching materials & their corresponding business cases.
UAB elaborates the CURRICULUM materials integrating in it the SD course of IO1.
UIC, UPV and EUC adapt it to their local curricula.
MEDIA DEALS introduces adaptations according to the CCI market.
MYD maps the lesson plan with EntreComp.
MyDocumenta improves the eportfolio
Instructors/ professors from EUC, MEDIA DEALS, UAB, UIC, UPV and MYD are trained to get the necessary skills and knowledge about the use of the system dynamics business materials with its embedded curriculum and the e-portfolio.
The instructors/ professors trained during C1, will train other professors or instructors within their organisations by means of in-SERVICE LOCAL TRAININGS.
The new innovative thinking curriculum for Creative Art entrepreneurship will be implemented by students, alumni and/or professionals at EUC, UAB, UIC and UPV.

4AP – Innovative thinking competences for Creative Art entrepreneurship | 2020-1-ES01-KA203-081947
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